Brian and Jen's Wedding

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Marriage of Brian and Jennifer. version 2.0 April 23, 2006 at Monte Verde Park, Lakewood, CA.

Enjoy - thanks to all who took photos especially Xtine.

Since this is a blog - the last files are published first - so if you want to see the photos in some sort of order, you could start at the bottom and work you way up. However, may be viewed in any order - enjoy!
Here is where it began...

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These are pictures from when we eloped - Married Dec 6, 2005 Norwalk Court House.

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These are pictures of the iActive Gang
Brian Brown, Shanda Hudson and Sarah Hiedel.

Brian Brown, Naomi and Bob Brownell and Carol Brown (Brian's mom)

Sarah and Shanda

Mike and Shanda Posted by Picasa
The Rehersal Dinner Party Posted by Picasa
The Sunset Jazz Band - They play Sundays at Arbor's in Huntington Beach. They are great - go see them when you can. Tell Vera Brian sent you.

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